Constance Kellough is an Author, Teacher of Innerbody Meditation, and Founder of Namaste Publishing.
“Simply brilliant! I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this book is full of the Truth (yes, with a capital T). The info here is timeless and powerful, and potentially life-changing if you can incorporate it into your life (ideally, at a deep level). To be clear, I rarely outwardly express much emotion, and I'm not trying to exaggerate in any way -- If everyone embraced and lived these ideas, we would live in a much better, much different world. This has my highest recommendation…I hope this is read world-wide, more importantly absorbed into our collective psyche.”
— Paul V, Net Galley Reviewer
About Constance Kellough
Constance is a visionary who popularized the self-help genre, bringing revolutionary, spiritual teachings to the forefront of modern culture. Her first publication, The Power of Now introduced Eckhart Tolle to the world. Since 1997, she has gone on to publish more ground breaking, inspirational books by such authors as Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Michael Brown and Dr. David Berceli. These books and many others have changed the dialogue around Conscious Parenting, Spirituality and Trauma Release theories world wide.
She has authored two books of her own; The Chronicles of Bizah, Student of Truth (published 2020, and The HOW to Inner Peace (published 2021).